Subscribe to Poetry Magazine
Contemporary poetry, translations, essays, and visual art you can enjoy from anywhere. One year of Poetry magazine includes 10 book-length issues, each with fresh covers from different artists. Subscribe now.
To purchase single issues of Poetry, visit our web store.
You can also email us or call 800-327-6976.
Subscription Options
Digital-Only Subscription
• Access to current and archival digital editions, as well as new audio content, via the Poetry Magazine App.
• 10 issues per year, plus access to over 120 issues from the past decade, podcasts, special issues, and more.
More Subscription Options
• Student/Educator Subscriptions
Note: New subscribers will receive their first issue 6-8 weeks after purchasing a subscription (8-10 weeks international).
Braille Editions
For readers who are visually impaired, Poetry is available in braille from the Library of Congress. To request a braille edition, call 800-424-8567.
Frequently Asked Questions
If your question isn’t answered below, please use our contact form to submit a general inquiry. Someone will be in touch with you shortly.
What is included in a print subscription?
A subscription gives you printed issues (10 per year) of our magazine, featuring collectible cover art and some of the best contemporary poetry published today.
Print subscribers to Poetry magazine have complimentary access to the digital editions of the magazine throughout their subscription period. The digital edition is available through the Poetry magazine app in the Apple App Store, Google Play, and Amazon Appstore.
What is changing with Poetry's publication schedule (new winter double issue)?
What is changing?
Starting summer 2023, we will be publishing two double issues per year:
- Winter: January/February
- Summer: July/August
Poetry has been publishing a double issue in the summer since 2004, so the only change is the introduction of the winter issue.
Why are you making this change?
We see our double issues as a special occasion and an opportunity to share different kinds of content. We’re excited to start offering them twice per year. Keep an eye out for special digital features as well!
I was just about to subscribe. What does this mean for me?
Starting July 1, 2023—the publication of our summer double issue—all new subscriptions and renewals will be for 10 issues per year.
I’m already a subscriber. How will this affect my subscription?
If you were already a print or digital subscriber at the end of June 2023, you will receive the number of issues that complete your current subscription: 11 issues for a one-year subscription, 22 issues for a two-year subscription, etc. For example, if your one-year subscription was set to expire with the February 2024 issue, your subscription will now expire with the March 2024 issue.
When you renew your subscription, you will receive 10 issues per year.
If you’d like to know when your subscription expires, you can visit our self-service portal or contact [email protected].
Will I be refunded for the missing issue?
We are extending your subscription to make up for this change, so you won’t miss any issues; you will receive the same number of issues you paid for when you subscribed.
Will you be publishing the same amount of poems per year?
Yes! Our double issues mean the same amount of poetry per year, just in a combined package.
If you have any further questions on your subscription, please contact [email protected] or visit our self-service portal.
How do I access the digital edition?
To access the digital version on a mobile device, download the Poetry magazine app in the Apple App Store, Google Play, or Amazon Appstore and when prompted enter the email address associated with your subscription. To access the digital version on a computer, visit
What is included in the Poetry Magazine App?
The app includes the latest issue plus back issues dating back to 2016.
How can I buy a digital-only subscription?
What if I didn't provide an email address when I subscribed?
Please contact customer service to add your preferred email address to your subscription profile: 1-800-327-6976 or [email protected].
Following the addition of your email address to your account, your digital account will be active in approximately 48 hours or less.
Is there a way to purchase back issues of the magazine?
Yes! Through our web store, you can shop for back issues. Our full archive back to 1912 is also available to read for free on our website.
My address has changed. How can I update my subscription address?
Please access your account at and select “Change Address” to update your mailing address.
I have a new payment method. How can I use this when renewing my subscription?
Please access your account at and select “Payment” to update the payment method.