The Psychotropic Squalls
To peer into the obverse
into smoking cane field erratums
as if haunted with the steamy colitis of whirling iridium
as in the saliva of newts
one sees the intestinal raging of deltas
of blackened sea giraffes osmotically split into simultaneous alums
above a judgemental sea glistening with Richters
like a weakened neutron egg
its fissioning petrol mirages like spirals of irregular hunting geese
flying through flames of ulcerated smoke & gargantua
hissing a blank imperial greenness
rising above dense jetties of cobras
the shocking demise of the sea
the unlivingness of its winds
scorched by irradiations of shaking brine incisions
the burning gulfs of sun with a glint of explosive Mandean utopias*
shocks against Old Testament linear prophetics
of Jeremiah
or Ezekiel
or the bony frozen finger shaking stunted alchemical missives
from a moon burned Judea
no more than a mechanically burning moat focused on smoky
spellbinder’s disruptives
where the motion of the soul is delayed
reduced to flattened agnostic secular smoke
to a terrestrial rage which eliminates its sensuous heavenly fires
its stunning unreplicated angers
its sudden selenium spirals
its fire which staggers across the pseudo-faultlines of pre-replicated judgement
its flirtation with spirits of enriched Draconian plankton
so that the soul with its amber of flashing microbe drachmas
with its wounded tourmaline divisibilities
flaming within a light of smeared tornado weathers
within a shower of black fish scales & spleen
is entombed
within a blank thirstless psycho-motion
falling from a furnace of stars
which both flares up and freezes
which inculcates a flawed microbial botany
as in hypnotic grammatical emulsions
within a hollowed elliptical opening where we witness old
Egyptian surgeries
where the dead magically rise up from mazes
& stare in a language of scorching totemic anomaly
spawned in heretical miniature
their phantoms
seeping from quadrilateral sutures
from brief
renunciatory squalls
armed with the weaponry of ghouls
& broken birch tree lizards
seasoned by the light of psychotropic angles
blazing in the middle of a green Venusian interior God
as if
in the fumaroles of anguish
with an inclement bleeding
with a littered corona
of unstable altimeter reverses
*Mandean utopias: “Every being in the physical universe has its counterpart in the heavenly Earth of Mshunia Kusta, inhabited by the descendants of a mystical Adam and Eve.”
Will Alexander, “The Psychotropic Squalls” from The Stratospheric Canticles (Pantograph Press, 1995). Copyright © 1995 by Will Alexander. Used with the permission of the author.
The Stratospheric Canticles
(Pantograph Press, 1995)