The Poets

There he sat among them
(his old friends) a walking ash
that knows how to smile.
And he still dreamed of a style
so clear it could wash a face,
or make a dry mouth sing.
But they laughed, having found
themselves more astonishing.

They would drive their minds
prismatic, strange, each wrapped
in his own ecstatic wires,
over a cliff for language,
while he remained to raise
a few birds from a blank page.

“The Poets” was originally published in The Wild Olive Tree (West Coast Poetry Review, 1979) and is reprinted with permission of  Daniel Meyers. For more information about Bert Meyers, please visit

This poem is part of the portfolio “Bert Meyers: A Gardener in Paradise.” Read the rest of the portfolio in the January 2023 issue of Poetry.

Source: Poetry (January 2023)
More Poems by Bert Meyers