- Fanny Howe
- Peter Campion
- Beverley Bie Brahic
- David Yezzi
- Anthony Hecht
From this Issue
poemBy Mary RuefleHaving been blown awayby a bookI am in the gutterat the end of the streetin little pieceslike the alphabet(mother do not worryletters are not fleshthough there’s meaning in thembut not when they are meanmy letters to you were meanI found...
poemBy Sharon OldsWhen we talk about when to tell the kids,we are so together, so concentrated.I mutter, “I feel like a killer.” “I’mthe killer”—taking my wrist—he says,holding it. He is sitting on the couch,the old indigo chintz around him,rich as...
Table of Contents
Mary Ruefle
Kevin Young
Sharon Olds
Peter Gizzi
Reginald Dwayne Betts
Scott Cairns
Robert Wrigley
Robin Robertson
Brenda Shaughnessy
Dan Howell
David Yezzi
Charles Baudelaire
Anthony Hecht
Fanny Howe
Peter Campion
Beverley Bie Brahic
Rhina P. Espaillat
Mike Schneider
Conor O'Callaghan
Eleanor Wilner
David Orr
Brendan Nelson
Ilya Kaminsky
Garth Greenwell
- Rhina P. Espaillat
- Mike Schneider
- Conor O'Callaghan
- Eleanor Wilner
- David Orr
- Brendan Nelson
- Ilya Kaminsky
- Garth Greenwell