- Atsuro Riley
- Victoria Chang
- Rex Wilder
- Renée Ashley
- Michael Hofmann
From this Issue
poemBy Victoria ChangWhile the man is awaytelling his wifeabout the red-corseted woman,the woman waitson the queen-sized bed.You'd expect her quietin the fist of a copperstatue. Half her face,a shade of golden meringue,the other half, the darkof cattails. Her mouth even—too straight, as...
poemBy Rex WilderNaked for twenty-four of our last thirty-sixHours together, and I mean museum-quality, sex-Shop, God-riddling naked, sapping goldLight from the windows of her hundred-year-oldBaltimore dorm, we were hungry for sellingPoints, like...
Table of Contents
Atsuro Riley
Rex Wilder
Michael Hofmann
Angela Shaw
David Mason
Simone Muench
Samuel Menashe
Anne Coray
Joseph Epstein
Scott Bradfield
Emily Barton
Ben Marcus
Kate Bernheimer
Ira Sher
Rick Moody
- Atsuro Riley
- Victoria Chang
- Rex Wilder
- Renée Ashley
- Michael Hofmann
- Angela Shaw
- Scott Bradfield
- Emily Barton
- Ben Marcus
- Kate Bernheimer
- Ira Sher
- Rick Moody