September 1983
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Dannie Abse
- James Applewhite
- Tama Baldwin
- Fred Chappell
- Maria Flook
Table of Contents
James Applewhite
Jim Hall
Fred Chappell
Robin Hamilton
Maria Flook
Dannie Abse
Susie Shulman
Kevin Pilkington
Tama Baldwin
Charles Vandersee
Don Stap
William Harmon
Sharon Olds
- James Applewhite
- Sharon Olds
- Jim Hall
- Fred Chappell
- Robin Hamilton
- Maria Flook
- Dannie Abse
- Daniel Weissbort
- Susie Shulman
- Kevin Pilkington
- Tama Baldwin
- Charles Vandersee
- Don Stap
- Dave Smith
- William Harmon