September 1960
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Morton Zabel
- George Barker
- Ben Belitt
- Sharon Bourke
- Hayden Carruth
Table of Contents
Hayden Carruth
Rosalind Levine
Howard Levant
Judson Jerome
Eve Triem
Two Nocturnes
Sharon Bourke
Ben Belitt
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Denis Donoghue
- For Civility
- Emerson: A Modern Anthology (Ed. by Alfred Kazin and Daniel Aaron)
- Four Poets on Poetry: Essays by R. P. Blackmur, Yvor Winters, Marianne Moore, and Mark Van Doren (Ed. by Don Cameron Allen)
- James Joyce, by Richard Ellmann
- Bird in the Bush: Obvious Essays, by Kenneth Rexroth [Matthew Arnold, Edwin Muir, Edith Sitwell, Thomas Hardy]
- Hayden Carruth
- Ned O'Gorman
- Paul Goodman
- Rosalind Levine
- Howard Levant
- R. G. Everson
- Judson Jerome
- Eve Triem
- Constance Hunting
- Sharon Bourke
- Ben Belitt
- Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Ralph Pomeroy
- Denis Donoghue
- Carol Johnson
- George Barker