September 1953
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Wallace Fowlie
- Alan Dugan
- Hans Holthusen
- Roy Marz
- Harold Norse
Table of Contents
Five Poems
Muriel Spark
Three Poems
Lynette Roberts
Felix N. Stefanile
Three Poems
Roy Marz
Three Poems
Hans Egon Holthusen
Wallace Fowlie
Richard G. Stern
Wallace Fowlie
John Sutherland
Leonard Casper
Kimon Friar
Edwin Morgan
- Alan Dugan
- Muriel Spark
- Lynette Roberts
- Felix N. Stefanile
- Roy Marz
- Harold Norse
- Hans Egon Holthusen
- Wallace Fowlie
- Richard G. Stern
- John Sutherland
- Leonard Casper
- Kimon Friar
- Edwin Morgan