September 1946
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Edouard Roditi
- Henry Rago
- Paul Bordry
- Edwin Morgan
- Dorothy Alyea
Table of Contents
Robert Lowell
William Robert Moses
Peter Viereck
Two Poems
Lawrence Perry Spingarn
Dorothy Collins Alyea
In the End
Eda Lou Walton
Elizabeth Randall-Mills
Two Poems
Harold Meredith Chown
Morris Weisenthal
Ezra Pound
George H. Dillon
T. S. Eliot
R. P. Blackmur
John Vincent Healy
John Ciardi
Ruth Lechlitner
- Robert Lowell
- William Robert Moses
- Peter Viereck
- Lawrence Perry Spingarn
- Dorothy Collins Alyea
- Eda Lou Walton
- Elizabeth Randall-Mills
- Harold Meredith Chown
- Morris Weisenthal
- Ezra Pound
- George H. Dillon
- T. S. Eliot
- R. P. Blackmur
- John Vincent Healy
- John Ciardi
- Ruth Lechlitner