September 1934
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- Morton Zabel
- Sister Thomas Aquinas
- O.P.
- Israel Citkowitz
Table of Contents
Nameless Men
Stanley Kunitz
Local Habitation
Josephine Miles
After Images
Barbara Sandquist
Walter Van Tilburg Clark
Notes on Seasons
Israel Citkowitz
Beatrice Goldsmith
Roberta Teale Swartz
Mary N. S. Whiteley
Two Poems
Charles Oluf Olsen
Sister Thomas Aquinas O.P.
Harry Roskolenko
S. Ichiye Hayakawa
Two Poems
Donald J. Paquette
Every-Day Types
Harriet Monroe
Harriet Monroe
Robert Penn Warren
T. C. Wilson
A. J. M. Smith
T. C. Wilson
Harold Rosenberg
Morris U. Schappes
Stanley Burnshaw
John Gould Fletcher and John Vincent Healy
- Stanley Kunitz
- Josephine Miles
- Barbara Sandquist
- Walter Van Tilburg Clark
- Israel Citkowitz
- Beatrice Goldsmith
- Roberta Teale Swartz
- Mary N. S. Whiteley
- Charles Oluf Olsen
- Sister Thomas Aquinas O.P.
- Harry Roskolenko
- S. Ichiye Hayakawa
- Donald J. Paquette
- Harriet Monroe
- Robert Penn Warren
- T. C. Wilson
- A. J. M. Smith
- Harold Rosenberg
- Morris U. Schappes
- Stanley Burnshaw
- John Gould Fletcher
- John Vincent Healy