September 1924
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Charles Meschter
- Harriet Monroe
- Louise Bowman
- Grace Conkling
- Miriam De Ford
Table of Contents
Amanda Benjamin Hall
From a Ship's Log
Grace Hazard Conkling
Six Lyrics
Alice Corbin Henderson
Ellinor L. Norcross
Three Poems
Dana Hill
Miriam Allen De Ford
Wisps of the Street
Art Smith
Mark Van Doren
Sketches from Underground
Stanley Kimmel
Harriet Monroe
Charles K. Meschter
Herbert S. Gorman
Margery Swett Mansfield
David Greenhood
Marion Strobel
Harriet Monroe
Brief Notices
- Amanda Benjamin Hall
- Grace Hazard Conkling
- Alice Corbin Henderson
- Ellinor L. Norcross
- Dana Hill
- Louise Morey Bowman
- Miriam Allen De Ford
- Violet Alleyn Storey
- Art Smith
- Mark Van Doren
- Stanley Kimmel
- Harriet Monroe
- Charles K. Meschter
- Herbert S. Gorman
- Margery Swett Mansfield
- David Greenhood
- Marion Strobel