Learning Prompt

Rocking a Lullaby

A Creative Exercise Inspired by Patti Smith’s “the sheep lady from algiers”

Read Patti Smith’s “the sheep lady from algiers” out loud, several times. A few questions you might consider, either in writing or with others:

  • What do you notice about the sounds in this poem?
  • Who is this poem about? What do we learn about this person?
  • Where spaces or locations appear? How does those spaces/locations relate to the poem’s sounds? Its structure?
  • How is a song different from a poem? How are songs and poems the same?


Write a poem that serves as a lullaby for a person, place, or thing that you find fascinating or mysterious. Your poem, like Smith’s, should be three stanzas in length; each stanza should be the same number of lines; repeat images, sounds, words, and whole lines; and the last line of each stanza should end with the same word. As you are composing and revising, sing your poem to yourself softly. How can you compose a song that soothes, that leads you from the world of the waking to sleep, rest, and rejuvenation?

Maggie Queeney (she/her) is the author of In Kind (University of Iowa Press, 2023), winner of the 2022 Iowa Poetry Prize, and settler (Tupelo Press, 2021). She received the 2019 Stanley Kunitz Memorial Prize, a Ruth Stone Scholarship, and an Individual Artists Program Grant from the City of Chicago in...

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