October/November 1987
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
- Paul Engle
- Maria Flook
- Wallace Fowlie
- Dana Gioia
- Thom Gunn
From this Issue
poemBy Robert BlyYour head is stillrestless, rollingeast and west.That body in youinsisting on livingis the old hawkfor whom the worlddarkens.If I am notwith you when you die,that is just.It is all right.That part of you cleanedmy bones morethan once. But Iwill meet...
poemBy Hayden CarruthLike all his people he felt at home in the forest.The silence beneath great trees, the dimness there,The distant high rustling of foliage, the clumpsOf fern like little green fountains, patches of sunlight,Patches of moss and lichen, the occasionalUndergrowth of...
poemBy Maxine KuminFrom a documentary on marsupials I learnthat a pillowcase makes a finesubstitute pouch for an orphaned kangaroo.I am drawn to such dramas of animal rescue.They are warm in the throat. I suffer, the critic proclaims,from an overabundance of maternal genes.Bring...
Table of Contents
Joseph Parisi
Dannie Abse
Dick Allen
Philip Appleman
John Ashbery
Peter Balakian
Mary Barnard
Marvin Bell
Wendell Berry
Randy Blasing
Michael C. Blumenthal
Robert Bly
Philip Booth
David Bottoms
Gwendolyn Brooks
Christopher Buckley
Christopher Bursk
Henry Carlile
Hayden Carruth
Jared Carter
Turner Cassity
Amy Clampitt
Stephen Corey
Alfred Corn
Peter Davison
Carl Dennis
Tom Disch
Gregory Djanikian
Stephen Dobyns
Rita Dove
Stephen Dunn
Stuart Dybek
Richard Eberhart
Paul Engle
Donald Finkel
Yannis Kondos
Alice Fulton
Tess Gallagher
Celia Gilbert
Sandra M. Gilbert
Dana Gioia
Albert Goldbarth
Thom Gunn
Daniel G. Hoffman
Jonathan Holden
John Hollander
Richard Howard
David Ignatow
Rodney Jones
Erica Jong
Lawrence Joseph
X J Kennedy
Richard Kenney
Jane Kenyon
Thomas Kinsella
Kenneth Koch
Maxine Kumin
Greg Kuzma
James Laughlin
Brad Leithauser
Philip Levine
Janet Loxley Lewis
William Logan
J. D. McClatchy
Wesley McNair
Sandra McPherson
Jayanta Mahapatra
Gary Margolis
William Matthews
William Meredith
James Merrill
W. S. Merwin
Nicholas Moore
Hilda Morley
Howard Moss
Stanley Moss
Lisel Mueller
John Frederick Nims
Joyce Carol Oates
Sharon Olds
Carole Oles
Mary Oliver
Elder James Olson
Alicia Ostriker
Jay Parini
Linda Pastan
Molly Peacock
Robert Phillips
Robert Pinsky
Katha Pollitt
Peter Porter
Reynolds Price
Lawrence Raab
Bin Ramke
Adrienne Rich
Pattiann Rogers
M. L. Rosenthal
David St. John
Ernest Sandeen
Stephen Sandy
Sherod Santos
May Sarton
Josephine Saunders
Grace Schulman
Philip Schultz
James Schuyler
Karl Shapiro
Robert B. Shaw
Charles Simic
Dave Smith
William Jay Smith
Katherine Soniat
Gary Soto
Roberta Spear
Stephen Spender
William E. Stafford
Maura Stanton
George Starbuck
Gerald Stern
Anne Stevenson
Mark Strand
Lucien Stryk
May Swenson
James Tate
Henry Taylor
Charles Tomlinson
Mona Van Duyn
David Wagoner
Jeanne Murray Walker
Mary Ann Waters
Roger Weingarten
Theodore Weiss
J. P. White
Richard Wilbur
Robley Wilson Jr.
David Wojahn
Baron Wormser
Janet Loxley Lewis
Elder James Olson
Paul Engle
Gwendolyn Brooks
James L. Dickey
John Ashbery
William E. Stafford
A. R. Ammons
Raymond Carver
Joyce Carol Oates
Philip Booth
Wallace Fowlie
James Merrill
Mona Van Duyn
Thom Gunn
Lisel Mueller
X J Kennedy
Peter Porter
Charles Tomlinson
Maria Flook
M. L. Rosenthal
David Ignatow
Turner Cassity
Gary Soto
J. D. McClatchy
Linda Pastan
Richard Kenney
Brad Leithauser
Alfred Corn
Carole Oles
Wesley McNair
Henry Taylor
Dana Gioia
- Joseph Parisi
- Dannie Abse
- Ai
- Dick Allen
- Philip Appleman
- John Ashbery
- Peter Balakian
- Mary Barnard
- Marvin Bell
- Wendell Berry
- Randy Blasing
- Michael C. Blumenthal
- Robert Bly
- Philip Booth
- David Bottoms
- Gwendolyn Brooks
- Christopher Buckley
- Christopher Bursk
- Henry Carlile
- Hayden Carruth
- Jared Carter
- Raymond Carver
- Turner Cassity
- Amy Clampitt
- Stephen Corey
- Alfred Corn
- Peter Davison
- Carl Dennis
- James L. Dickey
- Tom Disch
- Gregory Djanikian
- Stephen Dobyns
- Rita Dove
- Stephen Dunn
- Stuart Dybek
- Richard Eberhart
- Paul Engle
- Donald Finkel
- Yannis Kondos
- Alice Fulton
- Tess Gallagher
- Celia Gilbert
- Sandra M. Gilbert
- Dana Gioia
- Albert Goldbarth
- Thom Gunn
- Daniel G. Hoffman
- Jonathan Holden
- John Hollander
- Richard Howard
- David Ignatow
- Rodney Jones
- Erica Jong
- Lawrence Joseph
- X J Kennedy
- Richard Kenney
- Jane Kenyon
- Thomas Kinsella
- Kenneth Koch
- Maxine Kumin
- Greg Kuzma
- James Laughlin
- Brad Leithauser
- Philip Levine
- Janet Loxley Lewis
- William Logan
- J. D. McClatchy
- Wesley McNair
- Sandra McPherson
- Jayanta Mahapatra
- Gary Margolis
- William Matthews
- William Meredith
- James Merrill
- W. S. Merwin
- Nicholas Moore
- Hilda Morley
- Howard Moss
- Stanley Moss
- Lisel Mueller
- John Frederick Nims
- Joyce Carol Oates
- Sharon Olds
- Carole Oles
- Mary Oliver
- Elder James Olson
- Alicia Ostriker
- Jay Parini
- Linda Pastan
- Molly Peacock
- Robert Phillips
- Robert Pinsky
- Katha Pollitt
- Peter Porter
- Reynolds Price
- Lawrence Raab
- Bin Ramke
- Adrienne Rich
- J. W. Rivers
- Pattiann Rogers
- M. L. Rosenthal
- David St. John
- Ernest Sandeen
- Stephen Sandy
- Sherod Santos
- May Sarton
- Josephine Saunders
- Grace Schulman
- Philip Schultz
- James Schuyler
- Karl Shapiro
- Robert B. Shaw
- Charles Simic
- Dave Smith
- William Jay Smith
- Katherine Soniat
- Gary Soto
- Roberta Spear
- Stephen Spender
- William E. Stafford
- Maura Stanton
- George Starbuck
- Gerald Stern
- Anne Stevenson
- Mark Strand
- Lucien Stryk
- May Swenson
- James Tate
- Henry Taylor
- Charles Tomlinson
- Mona Van Duyn
- David Wagoner
- Jeanne Murray Walker
- Mary Ann Waters
- Roger Weingarten
- Theodore Weiss
- J. P. White
- Richard Wilbur
- Robley Wilson Jr.
- David Wojahn
- Baron Wormser
- A. R. Ammons
- Wallace Fowlie
- Maria Flook