- Robert Pinsky
- Eavan Boland
- Robert VanderMolen
- David Biespiel
- Laura Kasischke
From this Issue
poemBy Eavan BolandOne afternoon of summer rainmy hand skimmed a shelf and I foundan old florin. Ireland, 1950.We say like or as and the world isa fish minted in silver and alloy,an outing for all the children,an evening...
poemBy Robert VanderMolenShe looked nearly the sameBut when I hugged herThere was substantially moreTo her—no doubt as with me.She fibbed as I did at the edgeOf curb under the streetlightAs spiders dropped like tinyParachutes—they were...
poemBy Lucia PerilloI couldn't have waited. By the time you returnit would have rotted on the vine.So I cut the first tomato into eighths,salted the pieces in the duskand found the flesh not mealy (like last year's)or...
Table of Contents
Robert Pinsky
Robert VanderMolen
David Biespiel
Laura Kasischke
Lucia Perillo
Susan Hutton
Landis Everson
Thomas Sayers Ellis
Jean Monahan
Gottfried Benn
Michael Hofmann
W. S. Di Piero
Danielle Chapman
Martin J. Farawell
Julia Shipley
Robin Robertson
Cheryl Moore
Ross R. Whitney
Gail White
- Danielle Chapman
- Martin J. Farawell
- Julia Shipley
- Robin Robertson
- Cheryl Moore
- Ross R. Whitney
- Gail White