October 1993
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Jeanne Beaumont
- Dan Bellm
- David Bottoms
- Max Garland
- Martha Greenwald
Table of Contents
Charles Simic
W. S. Merwin
John Jackson
Dan Bellm
Robert Morgan
Leslie Ullman
James Scruton
Linda Pastan
Max Garland
David Bottoms
Donna Wolf Palacio
Deborah Pope
Two Bowls
Jeanne Marie Beaumont
Pamela Gross
Martha Greenwald
Edward Hirsch
Jean Nordhaus
Michael E. Hattersley
Seers and Skeptics
- James Scruton
- Linda Pastan
- Max Garland
- David Bottoms
- Donna Wolf Palacio
- Deborah Pope
- Jeanne Marie Beaumont
- Pamela Gross
- Martha Greenwald
- Edward Hirsch
- Jean Nordhaus
- Michael E. Hattersley
- Robert B. Shaw