October 1967
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Daniel Berrigan
- Philip Booth
- David De Jong
- E. Mayo
- Mark McCloskey
Table of Contents
Karl Shapiro
Mark McCloskey
Philip Booth
David Cornel De Jong
E. L. Mayo
Winfield Townley Scott
Richard Howard
S. P. Zitner
Willis Barnstone
- Hispanic Chronicle
- Bestiary, by Pablo Neruda and Antonio Frasconi (Tr. by Elsa Neuberger)
- In the Middle of the Road, Selected Poems of Carlos Drummond de Andrade (Ed. and tr. by John Nist)
- Rafael Alberti, Selected Poems (Ed. and tr. by Ben Belitt)
- Jorge Guillén, Cntico: A Selection, Spanish Poems with English Translation (Ed. by Norman Thomas di Giovanni)
- [Federico Garcís;a Lorca]
- Karl Shapiro
- Mark McCloskey
- Philip Booth
- David Cornel De Jong
- E. L. Mayo
- Daniel Berrigan
- Winfield Townley Scott
- Richard Howard
- S. P. Zitner
- Hayden Carruth
- Willis Barnstone