October 1957
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Edith Sitwell
- Ben Belitt
- Robert Dana
- David De Jong
- Peter Everwine
Table of Contents
Henry W. Rago
William Jay Smith
David Cornel De Jong
Country Songs
Ben Belitt
Robert Patrick Dana
Ronald Lee Perry
Peter Everwine
Vernon Watkins
Charles Tomlinson
Wallace Fowlie
Donald Justice
Carolyn Kizer
Hayden Carruth
Donald Davie
William Carlos Williams
- Henry W. Rago
- William Jay Smith
- David Cornel De Jong
- Ben Belitt
- Robert Patrick Dana
- Ronald Lee Perry
- Peter Everwine
- Vernon Watkins
- Charles Tomlinson
- Wallace Fowlie