October 1951
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Karl Shapiro
- Virginia Berry
- John Berryman
- James Dickey
- St.-John Perse
Table of Contents
St.-John Perse
Virginia Berry
James L. Dickey
John Berryman
Five Poems
Selwyn S. Schwartz
Wallace Fowlie
Cleanth Brooks
Katherine Garrison Chapin
Two Views of Vaudeville for a Princess
Hugh Kenner
William Van O'Connor
- St.-John Perse
- Virginia Berry
- James L. Dickey
- John Berryman
- Selwyn S. Schwartz
- Wallace Fowlie
- Cleanth Brooks
- Katherine Garrison Chapin
- Hugh Kenner
- William Van O'Connor