October 1918
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- Eloise Robinson
- Malcolm Vaughn
- Mary Aldis
- A. Alondra
Table of Contents
Eloise Robinson
War Sequence
Ruth Gaines
Howard Buck
Allene Gregory
Flowers of War
Louise Ayres Garnett
Antoinette De Coursey Patterson
John Cowper Powys
Julia Wickham Greenwood
Mary Aldis
A. Alondra
Redhaw Winds
Assyrian Tablets from the Fourth Millennium, B.C.
Carl Sandburg
Lola Ridge
Max Michelson
Harriet Monroe
Agnes Lee
Eloise Robinson
Malcolm W. Vaughn
- Eloise Robinson
- Cloyd Head
- Ruth Gaines
- Howard Buck
- Allene Gregory
- Louise Ayres Garnett
- Antoinette De Coursey Patterson
- John Cowper Powys
- Julia Wickham Greenwood
- Mary Aldis
- A. Alondra
- Carl Sandburg
- Lola Ridge
- Harriet Monroe
- Max Michelson
- Agnes Lee
- Malcolm W. Vaughn