November 2015
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Zack Strait
- Kathleen Ossip
- Ed Roberson
- John Beer
- A. Stallings
From this Issue
poemBy Kathleen OssipIn the story of my life there is a fieldfilled with chicory, daisies, and mayflowers.It’s the field behind my childhood house.In summer, I used to spend hourslying in it looking at cloudsbefore my mother brought us to the town...
Table of Contents
Zack Strait
Kathleen Ossip
A.E. Stallings
John Beer
Emilia Phillips
Charles Harper Webb
Carol Frost
Javier Zamora
Kazim Ali
Drew Gardner
Eisder Mosquera
Patrick Rosal
Paula Cunningham
Sina Queyras
Marianne Boruch
Les Murray
Kate Farrell
Brenda Shaughnessy
Alan Ramón Clinton
Camonghne Felix
Meghan O'Rourke
The lives of frank lima
David Wheatley