November 2008
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Roberto Bolaño
- Philip Levine
- Mary Szybist
- Fiona Sampson
- Billy Collins
From this Issue
poemBy Roberto BolañoI was out walking, sweaty and with hair plasteredto my facewhen I saw Ernesto Cardenal approachingfrom the opposite directionand by way of greeting I said:Father, in the Kingdom of Heaventhat is communism,is there...
poemBy Philip LevineWe don't see the ocean, not ever, but in July and Augustwhen the worst heat seems to rise from the hard clayof this valley, you could be walking through a fig orchardwhen suddenly the wind cools and for...
poemBy Mary Szybist—how her loose curls floatabove each silver fish as she leans into pluck its eyes—You died just hours ago.Not suddenly, no. You'd been dying so longnothing looked like itself: from your window,fishermen swirled sequins;fishnets entangled...
Table of Contents
Philip Levine
Mary Szybist
Fiona Sampson
Billy Collins
Elaine Equi
Jorge Sánchez
Stephen Edgar
William Logan
Twelve Visual Poems
Geof Huth
K. S. Ernst and Sheila E. Murphy
Derek Beaulieu
Peter Ciccariello
Bob Dahlquist
Jesse Patrick Ferguson
Scott Helmes
Joel Lipman
Gustave Morin
Jörg Piringer
Philip Gallo
Michael Basinski
Adam Kirsch
Carmine Starnino
Ange Mlinko
Robert Archambeau
William Logan
Jay Robinson
Mischa Willett
David Tinling
Paul J Healy
Loren Keller
Fraser Sutherland
Gertrude Rubin
- Carmine Starnino
- Ange Mlinko
- Robert Archambeau
- Jay Robinson
- Mischa Willett
- David Tinling
- Paul J Healy
- Loren Keller
- Fraser Sutherland
- Gertrude Rubin