- Kevin Young
- Heather McHugh
- Amanda Jernigan
- Elfriede Jelinek
- Peter Campion
From this Issue
poemBy Kevin YoungThe light here leaves youlonely, fadingas does the duskthat takes too longto arrive. By morningthe mountain movinga bit closer to the sun.This valley belongsto no one—except birds who namethemselves by their songsin the dawn.What goodare wishes, if they aren'tused upThe...
poemBy Heather McHughThings are notunmoving (or else whatis ing there for?)The things once-livingfall on the never-livingall the more movingly for the eyethat passes over them.The wind wells upto spill a trailof onces...
poemBy Luke HathawayIn the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread:you put this rather beautifully,and gave me leave to sing my workuntil my work became the song.In sorrow shalt thou eat of it:a line on...
Table of Contents
Kevin Young
Heather McHugh
Luke Hathaway
Elfriede Jelinek
Peter Campion
Rae Armantrout
Robin Robertson
Nicole Pekarske
Dean Young
Jason Guriel
Robin Ekiss
Fleda Brown
Michael Ryan
Jacob Saenz
Richard Rorty
Laura Schwendinger
Helen Caldicott
Richard Rapport
Jack Miles
David Biespiel
Peter O’Leary
Joel Brouwer
David Radavich
John Van Doren
Emmett R. Vick
Norbert Hirschhorn
Michael Martin
David Keeling
John M. Ridland
Terese Coe
Rabinda K. Swain
Rod Pederson
- Joel Brouwer
- David Radavich
- John Van Doren
- Emmett R. Vick
- Norbert Hirschhorn
- Michael Martin
- David Keeling
- John M. Ridland
- Terese Coe
- Rabinda K. Swain
- Rod Pederson