- Albert Goldbarth
- Clive James
- Charlie Smith
- William Wenthe
- John Pursley
From this Issue
poemBy Pierre CorneilleclindorSir, why so restless? Is there any need,With all your fame, for one more glorious deed?Have you not slain enough bold foes by now,And must you have fresh laurels for your brow?...
poemBy Lucas HowellSay you love the albums with the smoky riffsand downbeat rhythms. Here, they beg, fall in with us.Forget that book, have a whiskey . . . have another.Say you love the books, the wordsand the silences...
poemBy Laura NewbernAt dusk, the grandmother sits alonein the light of the long pale pool and speaksto the frog who is waitingby the electric gate of the clubhouse.It will be all right, she says, leaning outfrom...
Table of Contents
Charlie Smith
Clive James
William Wenthe
Mary Kinzie
Pierre Corneille
Lucas Howell
Laura Newbern
Roger Mitchell
Linda Gregerson
Brian Swann
Reginald Shepherd
Robert Kavesh
Dava Sobel
Robert Aitken
Nicholas Photinos
Matt Fitzgerald
D. H. Tracy
Stephen Yenser
Robert Wrigley
Sidney Wade
Michael Wiegers
Susan Wheatley
Grant Barber
Taylor Mali
William L. Valenti
Mark Soifer
John Barr
- Albert Goldbarth
- Charlie Smith
- Clive James
- William Wenthe
- John Pursley III
- Mary Kinzie
- Pierre Corneille
- Lucas Howell
- Laura Newbern
- Roger Mitchell
- Linda Gregerson
- Brian Swann
- Reginald Shepherd
- Robert Kavesh
- Dava Sobel
- Robert Aitken
- Nicholas Photinos
- Matt Fitzgerald
- D. H. Tracy
- Stephen Yenser
- Robert Wrigley
- Sidney Wade
- Michael Wiegers
- Susan Wheatley
- Grant Barber
- Taylor Mali
- William L. Valenti
- Mark Soifer
- John Barr