November 1973
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- James Applewhite
- John Ashbery
- David Bromwich
- Tom Disch
- John Hollander
Table of Contents
James J. McAuley
Ben Howard
Philip Murray
Richard Weisman
Jon Silkin
James Applewhite
Tom Disch
H. B. Mallalieu
Michael Schmidt
David Bromwich
Raphael Rudnik
John Ashbery
Robert B. Shaw
Jonathan Galassi
- Dealing with Tradition
- Preaching to the Converted, by Peter Porter
- A Postcard from Don Giovanni, by Grey Gowrie
- Lives, by Derek Mahon
- Written on Water, by Charles Tomlinson
- Desert of the Lions, by Michael Schmidt
- Poems 1970-1972, by Robert Graves
- Wintering Out, by Seamus Heaney
- Happy Enough: Poems 1935-1972, by George Johnston
- Golden State, by Frank Bidart
- John Hollander
- James J. McAuley
- Ben Howard
- Philip Murray
- Richard Weisman
- Jon Silkin
- James Applewhite
- Tom Disch
- H. B. Mallalieu
- Michael Schmidt
- David Bromwich
- Raphael Rudnik
- John Ashbery
- Robert B. Shaw
- Jonathan Galassi