November 1969
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- A. Hope
- Chester Kallman
- Marvin Bell
- Michael Benedikt
- Frederick Bock
Table of Contents
Daryl Hine
May Swenson
Denise Levertov
Stanley Kunitz
Gwendolyn Brooks
Four Psalms
Michael Benedikt
Daniel G. Hoffman
Larry Eigner
Frederick Bock
Lisel Mueller
Marvin Bell
Leonard Cochran
Richard Howard
Hy Sobiloff
Robert Creeley
Galway Kinnell
Gary Snyder
Karl Shapiro
Ralph J. Mills Jr.
A. D. Hope
- Daniel G. Hoffman
- Larry Eigner
- Frederick Bock
- Lisel Mueller
- Marvin Bell
- Leonard Cochran
- Richard Howard
- Hy Sobiloff
- Robert Creeley
- Galway Kinnell
- Gary Snyder
- Karl Shapiro
- Ralph J. Mills Jr.
- A. D. Hope