November 1956
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Robert Bagg
- Ben Belitt
- Carol Drake
- Mary Jeremy
- O.P.
Table of Contents
Ben Belitt
Sister Mary Jeremy, O.P.
Selwyn S. Schwartz
John Frederick Nims
Four Poems
Kenneth Koch
Harold Norse
Robert Bagg
Carol Christopher Drake
Two Poems
P. K. Page
Two Poems
Robert Krieger
Constance Urdang
Three Poems
Reed Whittemore
James L. Dickey
Harry Roskolenko
Donald Justice
John Woods
- Ben Belitt
- Sister Mary Jeremy, O.P.
- Selwyn S. Schwartz
- John Frederick Nims
- Kenneth Koch
- Harold Norse
- Robert Bagg
- Carol Christopher Drake
- P. K. Page
- Robert Krieger
- Constance Urdang
- Reed Whittemore
- James L. Dickey
- Harry Roskolenko
- Donald Justice
- John Woods