November 1935
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- James Hearst
- Edith Henrich
- John Holmes
- May Lewis
Table of Contents
Marianne Moore
Even Though Snow
James Hearst
Idella Purnell
As They Seem
May Lewis
Leetha Journey Probst
Edith Henrich
The Dynasty
John A. Holmes
Dorothy Jean McLemore
In Nineteen-Thirty-Four
Virginia Armitage McCall
The Trackless Way
Eunice Tietjens
Marguerite Young
T. C. Wilson
D. G. Bridson
- Marianne Moore
- James Hearst
- Idella Purnell
- May Lewis
- Leetha Journey Probst
- Edith Henrich
- Kathryn Worth
- John A. Holmes
- Dorothy Jean McLemore
- Virginia Armitage McCall
- Lola Pergament
- Eunice Tietjens
- Marguerite Young
- T. C. Wilson
- D. G. Bridson