VS Live Aricka Foreman and Tommye Blount vs. Detroit Poetics
To close out season six, Brittany and Ajanae record LIVE in Detroit with guests Aricka Foreman and Tommye Blount. Join them as they discuss the history of the Detroit School of poets, building authentic community, knowing when a project is done, and creating alternate spaces for Black Queer folks to thrive.
Until Next Time
Here’s some content for you to engage with and 2 writing prompts to keep you entertained until next time!
Tommye Blount:
Bridget Pegeen Kelly - Remembering Brigit Pegeen Kelly
Bill T. Jones - How Bill T. Jones’ ‘Deep Blue Sea' explores the collective ‘we’ of the American people
Carl Phillips - Carl Phillips: Poetry of the Irreconcilable
Aricka Foreman
Lorna Simpson - Lorna Simpson – ‘Everything I Do Comes from the Same Desire’ | TateShots
Toni Morrison - Toni Morrison Discusses Freedom of Expression and the Writer's Role
Alice Coltrane - Alice Coltrane 16mm doc. 1970 (Black Journal) rare
Writing Prompts
Choose the work of 3 peers to study. Identify one craft decision that each executes well and attempt to write a poem that achieves each of them.
Journal towards this: What does being a literarycitizen mean to you? Set a list of intentions for how you’d like to support writers in your community.
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