- W. Di Piero
- Albert Goldbarth
- Zach Finch
- Moira Egan
- Nance Van Winckel
From this Issue
poemBy Nance Van WinckelForeplay of obscene graffiti carvedinto treesfoot-long bonersgouge the bark. Beaks and snoutson a restroom mirror. Slick lips.Succulent lips. I go out among themsometimes. So sweet how they pucker up ...
poemBy Averill CurdyAfter the trumpets, after the incenseThere were nights insomnia fathered godsI then rejected as too angry or distracted,Or whose appetite for submission revealedTheir own lack of faith. Say our names,All synonyms for trust. Others spokeIn sugared paradox: To know is to...
poemBy Jeanne Murray WalkerLike Gorky, I sometimes follow my doubtsoutside to the yard and question the sky,longing to have the fight settled, thinkingI can't go on like this, and finally I sayall right, it is improbable, all right, thereis no God. And then...
Table of Contents
Albert Goldbarth
Zach Finch
Moira Egan
Nance Van Winckel
Fred Muratori
Susanne Dubroff
Scott Cairns
Kevin Young
Averill Curdy
Jeanne Murray Walker
Debora Greger
Kevin Meaux
Meghan Hickey
James Ragan
Mark Jarman
David Lehman
Stephen Dobyns
Billy Collins
Arthur Meryash
Bob Hicok
Lynne Knight
Lynn Powell
W. S. Di Piero
Peter Campion
Lisa Goff
Alfred Corn
Karen Scoon
Timothy Pickering
Michael Salcman
Patrick McGuinness
Christopher Locke
Kenneth Rosen
Steven Cramer
James Smolens
- Albert Goldbarth
- Zach Finch
- Moira Egan
- Nance Van Winckel
- Fred Muratori
- Susanne Dubroff
- Scott Cairns
- Kevin Young
- Averill Curdy
- Jeanne Murray Walker
- Debora Greger
- Kevin Meaux
- Meghan Hickey
- James Ragan
- Mark Jarman
- David Lehman
- Stephen Dobyns
- Billy Collins
- Arthur Meryash
- Bob Hicok
- Lynne Knight
- Lynn Powell
- W. S. Di Piero
- Peter Campion
- Lisa Goff
- Alfred Corn
- Karen Scoon
- Timothy Pickering
- Michael Salcman
- Patrick McGuinness
- Christopher Locke
- Kenneth Rosen
- Steven Cramer
- James Smolens