May 2001
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Christian Wiman
- Agha Ali
- Wendy Barker
- Liz Beasely
- Carl Dennis
From this Issue
poemBy Carl DennisWe here at Progressive Health would like to thank you  ÂFor being one of the generous few who've promised  ÂTo bequeath your vital organs to whoever needs them.  ÂNow we'd like to give you the opportunity  ÂTo step out far in front of...
poemBy R. T. SmithBecause someone thirsty enoughto trust Old Testament wisdomfollowed the deepening greensand found a spring, silverin the shadow of blue ridges,I can kneel beneaththis spill of willowlimbs a century laterand drink...
poemBy Mary MakofskeI leave the formal garden of scheduleswhere hours hedge me, clip the errant sprigsof thought, and day after day, a boxwoodtopiary hunt chases a green foxnever caught. No voice calls me to orderas I enter...
Table of Contents
Carl Dennis
Allison Funk
R. T. Smith
Christopher Presfield
Mary Makofske
Robert King
Agha Shahid Ali
Robin Shectman
Wendy Barker
Liz Beasley
Christian Wiman
David Yezzi
- Carl Dennis
- Stephen Dobyns
- Allison Funk
- R. T. Smith
- Christopher Presfield
- Mary Makofske
- Robert King
- Agha Shahid Ali
- Robin Shectman
- Albert Goldbarth