May 1988
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Robin Behn
- Jack Butler
- David Citino
- Mark Cox
- Gregory Djanikian
Table of Contents
Louis Simpson
Jack Butler
Lawrence Joseph
Gregory Djanikian
Victoria Hallerman
W. S. Merwin
Mark Cox
Jeffrey Harrison
Robin Behn
Stephen Dobyns
Short Reviews
Vernon Shetley
- Short Reviews
- The Owl of Minerva, by James Laughlin [Ezra Pound]
- Under the Vulture-Tree, by David Bottoms
- The West Door, by Alfred Corn
- Skating with Heather Grace, by Thomas Lynch
- The Arkansas Testament, by Derek Walcott [James Merrill]
- An Oregon Message, by William Stafford
- April Galleons, by John Ashbery
- Louis Simpson
- Jack Butler
- Lawrence Joseph
- Gregory Djanikian
- Gary Soto
- Victoria Hallerman
- W. S. Merwin
- Mark Cox
- Mary Ann Waters
- Jeffrey Harrison
- Robin Behn
- Stephen Dobyns
- David Citino
- Vernon Shetley