May 1933
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Morton Zabel
- Louis Zukofsky
- R. Blackmur
- Harriet Monroe
- Sister Thomas Aquinas
Table of Contents
Laura Lee Bird
E. Clark Stillman
From Beyond
Robert Tallman
Sister Thomas Aquinas O.P.
Carleton Ford Shaw
Julian Lee Rayford
Alice D. Lippmann
Elsa Gidlow
Elizabeth Howell
John Vincent Healy
Three Poems
Long Winter
Russell Beckwith
Harriet Monroe
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Marianne Moore
John Gould Fletcher
Marianne Moore
R. P. Blackmur
Morris U. Schappes
- H. L. Davis
- Laura Lee Bird
- E. Clark Stillman
- Robert Tallman
- Sister Thomas Aquinas O.P.
- Leigh Buckner Hanes
- Carleton Ford Shaw
- Julian Lee Rayford
- Alice D. Lippmann
- Elsa Gidlow
- Elizabeth Howell
- John Vincent Healy
- Willard Maas
- Russell Beckwith
- Harriet Monroe
- Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Marianne Moore
- John Gould Fletcher
- R. P. Blackmur
- Morris U. Schappes