May 1922
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Gamaliel Bradford
- Witter Bynner
- Harriet Monroe
- Joseph Auslander
- Kemper Broadus
Table of Contents
Along Old Trails
On the Road
C. F. MacIntyre
Two Poems
Joseph Auslander
David Greenhood
Glenn Ward Dresbach
Flora Shufelt Rivola
Mildred Weston
John H. Gavin
Winifred Welles
Raymond P. Fischer
Harriet Monroe
Yvor Winters
Pearl Andelson Sherry
Lola Ridge
Muna Lee
Rollo H. Myers
Our Contemporaries
Witter Bynner
Gamaliel Bradford
C. F. MacIntyre
Kemper Hammond Broadus
- William Haskell Simpson
- C. F. MacIntyre
- Joseph Auslander
- David Greenhood
- Glenn Ward Dresbach
- Flora Shufelt Rivola
- Kemper Hammond Broadus
- Mildred Weston
- John H. Gavin
- Winifred Welles
- Raymond P. Fischer
- Harriet Monroe
- Yvor Winters
- Pearl Andelson Sherry
- Lola Ridge
- Muna Lee
- Rollo H. Myers
- Witter Bynner
- Gamaliel Bradford