- Dorothea Grossman
- Gisela Kraft
- Lavinia Greenlaw
- David Yezzi
- Carlo Betocchi
From this Issue
poemBy Dorothea GrossmanI have to tell you,there are times whenthe sun strikes melike a gong,and I remember everything,even your ears.
poemBy Gisela Kraftone lies in rags on the streetand his stomach is emptyand he wishes for deathone sits with friends at tea and backgammonand his mind is emptyand he wishes for deathone sits in a straight-backed chair at a deskand his bank...
poemBy Lavinia GreenlawNight was and they swayed into it:a pair of scissors, of sailsturning only into themselvesmore other than become.It is often five o’clock.Her husband has contracted notto speak of her and she has forgottenwhere to go. Where does everyone...
Table of Contents
Gisela Kraft
Gisela Kraft
Laura Leichum
Lavinia Greenlaw
David Yezzi
Carlo Betocchi
Geoffrey Brock
Carlo Betocchi
Geoffrey Brock
Carlo Betocchi
A.E. Stallings
Gerald Stern
Dan Gerber
Albert Goldbarth
Mahmoud Darwish
Lesley Jenike
Christian Wiman
Ilya Kaminsky and Adam Kirsch
Chen Li
Daisy Fried
Letters to the Editor
Taylor Altman
George Young
Jerry Payne
Neth Hass
Neal Whitman
Michael Derrick Hudson
John Kinsella
Kathy Fitzgerald
Alessandro Novellini
John Miller
George Anderson
- George Young
- Jerry Payne
- Neth Hass
- Neal Whitman
- Michael Derrick Hudson
- John Kinsella
- Kathy Fitzgerald
- Alessandro Novellini
- John Miller
- George Anderson