- Michael Marcinkowski
- Campbell McGrath
- A. Stallings
- Terrance Hayes
- János Pilinszky
From this Issue
poemBy Campbell McGrath1Gravel paths on hillsides amid moon-drawn vineyards,click of pearls upon a polished nightstandsoft as rainwater, self-minded stars, oboe musicdistant as the grinding of icebergs against the hullof the self and the soul in the darknesschanting to the ecstatic chance of...
poemBy A.E. StallingsSo long I have been carrying myselfCarefully, carefully, like a small childWith too much water in a real glassClasped in two hands, across a space as vastAs living rooms, while gazes watch the wavesThat start...
poemBy Terrance HayesI said Folk was dressed in Blues but hairier and hemped.After "We acoustic banjo disciples!" Jebediah said, "Whenand whereforth shall the bucolic blacks with good temperscome to see us pluck as Elizabeth Cotton intended?"We stole my Uncle Windchime's minivan, penned...
Table of Contents
Campbell McGrath
A.E. Stallings
Jorie Graham
Terrance Hayes
János Pilinszky
George Gömöri
Karl Kirchwey
Ange Mlinko
W. S. Di Piero
Heather McHugh
Joel Brouwer
William Watt
Edward McCrorie
Michael Marcinkowski
George Gulick
Clive James
Robert Kramer
Michael Farry
- Karl Kirchwey
- Ange Mlinko
- W. S. Di Piero
- Heather McHugh
- Joel Brouwer
- William Watt
- Edward McCrorie
- Michael Marcinkowski
- George Gulick
- Clive James
- Robert Kramer
- Michael Farry