March 1985
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Robin Behn
- Michelle Boisseau
- Amy Clampitt
- Alice Fulton
- Maxine Kumin
Table of Contents
Philip Levine
Michelle Boisseau
Dyan Sublett
Paul Nelson
Alexandra Placotari
Gail Shepherd
Robin Behn
Arthur Smith
Alice Fulton
Maxine Kumin
Edward Hirsch
Short Reviews
Robert Phillips
- Short Reviews
- Overnight in the Guest House of the Mystic, by Dick Allen
- Drawn by Stones, by Earth, by Things that Have Been in the Fire, by Marvin Bell
- Maximum Security Ward and Other Poems, by Ramon Guthrie (Ed. by Sally M. Gall)
- Yin, by Carolyn Kizer
- Rules of Sleep, by Howard Moss
- Works and Days, by David Schubert (Ed. by T. and R. Weiss)
Amy Clampitt
- Philip Levine
- Michelle Boisseau
- Dyan Sublett
- Paul Nelson
- Amy Clampitt
- Alexandra Placotari
- Gail Shepherd
- Robin Behn
- Arthur Smith
- Alice Fulton
- Maxine Kumin
- Edward Hirsch
- Robert Phillips