March 1972
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Paul Auster
- Douglas Blazek
- Naomi Cox
- Stephen Dobyns
- D. Donzella
Table of Contents
Paul Auster
Ellen Kirvin Dudis
Robert Siegel
Michael Heffernan
Susan Zwinger
Naomi Cox
Donald Justice
Timothy Steele
Alexis Viereck
D. W. Donzella
Gerrit Henry
Stephen Dobyns
Larry Rubin
Robert B. Shaw
Robert B. Shaw
- Selected Poems, by Sndor Weres and Ferenc Juhsz
- The Long and the Short of It
- There Are Men Too Gentle To Live Among Wolves, by James Kavanaugh
- Treasury Holiday, by William Harmon
- Country of the Minotaur, by Brewster Ghiselin
- Skin Diving in the Virgins and Other Poems, by John Malcolm Brinnin
- The Whispering Roots and Other Poems, by C. Day-Lewis
- Poems from an Island, by Michael Shayer
- When Thy King Is a Boy, by Ed Roberson
- Some Deaths in the Delta, by Rosellen Brown
- Articles, by Andrew Hoyem
- Assays of Bias, by Arthur Freeman
- Dismantling the Silence, by Charles Simic
- Findings, by Richard Howard
Mike Doyle
- Lost Neighbourhood, by Terry Crawford
- Playing the Jesus Game, by Alden Nowlan
- An Irish Album, by Robin Skelton
- Cables to Rage, by Audre Lorde
- The Silent Cowboys of the East, by Louis Cormier
- Catching the Sun's Fire, by Brenda Fleet
- The Happy Hungry Man, by George Jonas
- Made in Canada: New Poems of the Seventies (Ed. by Douglas Lochhead and Raymond Souster)
- The Cosmic Chef: An Evening of Concrete (Ed. by b p nichol)
- So Far, So Good, by Raymond Souster
- The Great Bear Lake Meditations, by J. Michael Yates
- Contemporary Poetry of British Columbia (Ed. by J. Michael Yates)
- Neo Poems, by John Robert Colombo
- The Man with Seven Toes, by Michael Ondaatje
- Cancer Rising, by David Cull
- By the Light of the Silvery McLune: Media Parables, Poems, Signs, Gestures, and Other Assaults on the Interface, by Lionel Kearns
- Made in Canada?
- Year of the Quiet Sun, by Ian Young
- Body, by Robert Flanagan
- The Journals of Susannah Moodie and Power Politics, by Margaret Atwood
- Plainsongs, by Dorothy Livesay
- Gnu Soup, by Heinz Fischer
- Immortal Plowman, by Fred Cogswell
- Inside Me, by Kathleen Forsythe
- The Hitch Hiker, by Frank Gillis
- Paul Auster
- Ellen Kirvin Dudis
- Douglas Blazek
- Robert Siegel
- Michael Heffernan
- Susan Zwinger
- Naomi Cox
- Donald Justice
- Timothy Steele
- Alexis Viereck
- D. W. Donzella
- Gerrit Henry
- Stephen Dobyns
- Larry Rubin
- Robert B. Shaw
- Mike Doyle