March 1969
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Daryl Hine
- A. Ammons
- Michael Benedikt
- G. Chandra
- Helen Chasin
Table of Contents
Seven Haiku
Winfield Townley Scott
Winfield Townley Scott
Seven Haiku
Winfield Townley Scott
Winfield Townley Scott
Jean Valentine
Helen S. Chasin
Andrew Hoyem
G. S. Sharat Chandra
David Zaiss
Tom Raworth
Dennis Saleh
Samuel Moon
Rolfe Humphries
Gilbert Sorrentino
A. R. Ammons
William Meredith
George H. Dillon
Daryl Hine
- Winfield Townley Scott
- Jean Valentine
- Michael Benedikt
- Helen S. Chasin
- Andrew Hoyem
- Al Lee
- Hannah Weiner
- Paul Lawson
- G. S. Sharat Chandra
- David Zaiss
- Tom Raworth
- Dennis Saleh
- Samuel Moon
- Rolfe Humphries