March 1931
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Stanley Burnshaw
- Laura Benet
- Verne Bright
- Brewster Ghiselin
- Louis Ginsberg
Table of Contents
Stanley Burnshaw
Harriet Monroe
Doris Lisbeth Smith
Horace Gregory
Jean Temple
Brewster Ghiselin
Don Gordon
For One Who Died in Spring
Helen Hoyt
Two Poems
Louis Ginsberg
Doris Rosalind Wilder
Laura Benet
George Scott Gleason
Wilbert Snow
Two Poems
Robert Hunt
Sonia Ruthele Novak
Three Poems
Verne Bright
Marjorie Allen Seiffert
Harriet Monroe
René Taupin
Stanley Kunitz
Jessica Nelson North
Robert Liddell Lowe
Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Stanley Burnshaw
- Harriet Monroe
- Doris Lisbeth Smith
- Horace Gregory
- Jean Temple
- Brewster Ghiselin
- Don Gordon
- Helen Hoyt
- Louis Ginsberg
- Doris Rosalind Wilder
- Emma Hawkridge
- Laura Benet
- George Scott Gleason
- Wilbert Snow
- Robert Hunt
- Sonia Ruthele Novak
- Verne Bright
- Marjorie Allen Seiffert
- René Taupin
- Stanley Kunitz
- Jessica Nelson North
- Robert Liddell Lowe
- Morton Dauwen Zabel