March 1922
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Baker Brownell
- Harriet Monroe
- Morris Bishop
- Alison Buchanan
- Hortense Flexner
Table of Contents
Medley of Poems
Carl Sandburg
Song Sketches
Working-Hour Songs
Ruth Harwood
Alison Buchanan
Morris Bishop
Sarah Unna
Hortense Flexner
Louis Untermeyer
Harriet Monroe
Dorothy Dudley
A. Winifred Bryher
Yvor Winters
Pearl Andelson Sherry
Harriet Monroe
Baker Brownell
- Carl Sandburg
- Marion Strobel
- Ruth Harwood
- Alison Buchanan
- Morris Bishop
- Sarah Unna
- Hortense Flexner
- Louis Untermeyer
- Harriet Monroe
- Dorothy Dudley
- A. Winifred Bryher
- Yvor Winters
- Pearl Andelson Sherry
- Baker Brownell