- Mary Kinzie
- Joshua Mehigan
- Kay Ryan
- Dana Levin
- Clive James
From this Issue
poemBy Joshua MehiganThey’re over now forever, the long dances.Our woods are quiet. The god is gone tonight.Our girls, good girls, have shaken off their trances.They’re over now forever, the long dances.Only the moonlight, sober and real, advances ...
poemBy Averill CurdyUnfastened avidly from each ivory buttonof her spine, the voluntary muscles openvirtuosities of red: Cinnabarthe mutagen, and carmine from cochinealborn between fog and frost, so many littledeaths Buddhists refuse to wearrobes soaked...
Table of Contents
Mary Kinzie
Joshua Mehigan
Dana Levin
Ralph Sneeden
Paul Finn
Averill Curdy
Robin Robertson
Bruce Smith
Michael Chitwood
Marianne Boruch
Jeffrey Harrison
Adam Zagajewski
Reginald Gibbons
Eamon Grennan
John Hodgen
The Editors
David J. Rothman
Jeanette Karhi
Garrett Doherty
Laura McCullough
Bradford Allison
Cordell Caudron
Jim Powell
Belle Randall
Dennis Mull
Arleen Lawson-Willey
- Mary Kinzie
- Joshua Mehigan
- Kay Ryan
- Dana Levin
- Clive James
- Ralph Sneeden
- Paul Finn
- Averill Curdy
- Robin Robertson
- Bruce Smith
- David J. Rothman
- Jeanette Karhi
- Garrett Doherty
- Laura McCullough
- Bradford Allison
- Cordell Caudron
- Jim Powell
- Belle Randall
- Dennis Mull
- Arleen Lawson-Willey