- Linda Gregerson
- Jill Osier
- Talvikki Ansel
- Tom Sleigh
- Sarah Harwell
From this Issue
poemBy Jill OsierYou can't even buy a soda. You can onlysee these things, see a mother steerher son to the car, his head cockedlicking his ice cream.Earlier, driving, trying to keepbetween two cornfields, I couldn't see myselfinto a map, couldn't be anywhere...
poemBy Mary KarrI came awake in kindergarten,under the letter K chalked neaton a field-green placard leanedon the blackboard's top edge. They'd caged mein a metal desk—the dull word writto show K's sound. But K meant kick and killwhen a boy I'd kissed drew...
Table of Contents
Linda Gregerson
Jill Osier
Edward Hirsch
Talvikki Ansel
Tom Sleigh
Sarah C. Harwell
Mary Karr
R. S. Gwynn
John Rybicki
Anne-Marie Cusac
Lawrence Joseph
John Skoyles
Teresa Leo
Martha McFerren
Samuel Menashe
Peter Campion
Christina Pugh
Adam Kirsch
D. H. Tracy
R. A. Stewart
Stephen Haven
Michael Sowder
Brooke J. Sadler
Kevin Simmonds
Dan Chiasson
Moshe Dor
Henry Taylor
- Anne-Marie Cusac
- Lawrence Joseph
- John Skoyles
- Teresa Leo
- Martha McFerren
- Samuel Menashe
- Peter Campion
- Christina Pugh
- Adam Kirsch
- D. H. Tracy
- R. A. Stewart
- Stephen Haven
- Michael Sowder
- Brooke J. Sadler
- Kevin Simmonds
- Dan Chiasson
- Moshe Dor
- Henry Taylor