June 1954
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Joseph Beach
- William Burford
- Joseph Langland
- Roy Marz
- Howard Moss
Table of Contents
William Burford
Two Poems
Marvin Solomon
Three Poems
Professor Emeritus Joseph Warren Beach
Three Poems
Joseph Langland
Three Poems
Howard Moss
The Annunciations
Horace Gregory
Ben Kimpel
Galway Kinnell
Marie Neville
Henry W. Rago
Michele Freedman
Hugh Kenner
- William Burford
- Marvin Solomon
- Professor Emeritus Joseph Warren Beach
- Ruth Stone
- Joseph Langland
- Howard Moss
- Roy Marz
- Horace Gregory
- Ben Kimpel
- Galway Kinnell
- Marie Neville
- Henry W. Rago
- Michele Freedman
- Hugh Kenner