June 1926
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Robert Ballou
- Margery Mansfield
- Harriet Monroe
- Grace Conkling
- Russell Davenport
Table of Contents
Desultory Epistles
Herbert S. Gorman
Archibald MacLeish
Grace Hazard Conkling
Slow Songs
Pearl Andelson Sherry
Two Poems
A. K. Laing
Mabel Dodge Luhan
Two Poems
Robert L. Wolf
Dorothy Hawkins
Songs from the Dusk
Russell W. Davenport
Two Poems
John Gillespie
John Zollie Howard
Two Poems
Pat Morrissette
Mabel Miller
Three Poems
Edwin Denby
Song of Nations
Walter Sagmaster
Harriet Monroe
Margery Swett Mansfield
Harriet Monroe
Berenice K. Van Slyke
Marion Strobel
Professor Emeritus Joseph Warren Beach
- Herbert S. Gorman
- Archibald MacLeish
- Grace Hazard Conkling
- Pearl Andelson Sherry
- A. K. Laing
- Mabel Dodge Luhan
- Robert L. Wolf
- Dorothy Hawkins
- Russell W. Davenport
- John Gillespie
- John Zollie Howard
- Pat Morrissette
- Mabel Miller
- Edwin Denby
- Walter Sagmaster
- Harriet Monroe
- Margery Swett Mansfield
- Berenice K. Van Slyke
- Marion Strobel
- Professor Emeritus Joseph Warren Beach