June 1917
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- E. H. L.
- Arthur Ficke
- John Fletcher
- Alice Henderson
- Harriet Monroe
Table of Contents
Ezra Pound
Richard Butler Glaenzer
Songs out of Stress
Sara Teasdale
Joseph Walleser
John Hall Wheelock
Glenn Ward Dresbach
Jane Heap
John Rodker
D. H. Lawrence
Editorial Comment
Harriet Monroe
Arthur Davison Ficke
John Gould Fletcher
Harriet Monroe
Harriet Monroe
Alice Corbin Henderson
Ezra Pound
Helen Hoyt
Our Contemporaries
Alice Corbin Henderson
Alice Corbin Henderson and Harriet Monroe
- Ezra Pound
- Richard Butler Glaenzer
- Sara Teasdale
- Joseph Walleser
- John Hall Wheelock
- Ella Young
- Glenn Ward Dresbach
- Jane Heap
- John Rodker
- D. H. Lawrence
- Harriet Monroe
- Arthur Davison Ficke