June 1916
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Katherine Bates
- Henry Fuller
- Alice Groff
- Alfred Kreymborg
- Vachel Lindsay
Table of Contents
Vachel Lindsay
In Summer
Clara Shanafelt
Poems of Happiness
Rosalind Mason
Mary Eleanor Roberts
Charlotte Becker
Madison Cawein
H. Thompson Rich
Kleofas Jurgelionis
Editorial Comment
Harriet Monroe
Ezra Pound
Vachel Lindsay
Harriet Monroe
Max Michelson
Henry B. Fuller
Katherine Lee Bates, Alice Groff, and Alfred Kreymborg
- Vachel Lindsay
- Clara Shanafelt
- Rosalind Mason
- Louis Untermeyer
- Mary Eleanor Roberts
- Charlotte Becker
- Madison Cawein
- H. Thompson Rich
- Kleofas Jurgelionis
- Harriet Monroe
- Ezra Pound
- Max Michelson
- Henry B. Fuller
- Katherine Lee Bates
- Alice Groff
- Alfred Kreymborg