July 1937
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Elizabeth Bishop
- Harris Downey
- Robert Friend
- Roberta Holloway
- Josephine Jacobsen
Table of Contents
Two Mornings and Two Evenings
Land's Edge
Edmund Wilson Jr.
Two Poems
Winfield Townley Scott
Two Preludes
Harris Downey
William Stephens
Harold Rosenberg
Three Poems
Michal Thorn
Agnes Lee
The Secret Flame
Josephine Jacobsen
Sequoian Notes
John Russell McCarthy
Many Voices
Roberta Holloway
John Wheelwright
Evelyn Scott
Allen Tate
T. C. Wilson
Kenneth Burke
Sherman Conrad
Jessica Nelson North
Delmore Schwartz
- Elizabeth Bishop
- Edmund Wilson Jr.
- Winfield Townley Scott
- Robert Friend
- Harris Downey
- William Stephens
- Harold Rosenberg
- Michal Thorn
- Agnes Lee
- Josephine Jacobsen
- John Russell McCarthy
- Marjorie Knapp
- Gilbert Maxwell
- Roberta Holloway
- John Wheelwright
- Evelyn Scott
- Allen Tate
- T. C. Wilson
- Kenneth Burke
- Sherman Conrad
- Jessica Nelson North
- Delmore Schwartz