July 1925
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Henry Moe
- Harriet Monroe
- Stanley Vestal
- Lucile Ames
- David Arkin
Table of Contents
Sooner Songs and Ballads
Stanley Vestal
Two Tales
Lucile Perry Ames
Three Poems
David Arkin
Shadowed Scarlet
Florence Mayne Hickey
Edna Louise Smith
Grace Strickler Dawson
Jan Flynn
Two Poems
Horace Gregory
Louise Driscoll
Anne Atwood Dodge
Lee Andrew Weber
Gustav Davidson
Countee Cullen
The Mask
Paul Horgan
Harriet Monroe
Harriet Monroe
- Stanley Vestal
- Lucile Perry Ames
- David Arkin
- Florence Mayne Hickey
- Edna Louise Smith
- Grace Strickler Dawson
- Marguerite Arnold
- Jan Flynn
- Horace Gregory
- Louise Driscoll
- Anne Atwood Dodge
- Lee Andrew Weber
- Gustav Davidson
- Countee Cullen
- Paul Horgan
- Harriet Monroe