July 1920
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Maxwell Bodenheim
- Orrick Johns
- Harriet Monroe
- Edward Sapir
- Hilda Conkling
Table of Contents
French-Canadian Folk-Songs
Albert Edmund Trombly
Thomas Moult
Du Bose Heyward
Three Summer Poems
Leonora Speyer
Margaret McKenny
Katherine Wisner McCluskey
Edward Merrill Root
Raymond Holden
Poems by a Child
Harriet Monroe
Edward Sapir
Richard Aldington
Babette Deutsch
Alfred Kreymborg
Harriet Monroe
Maxwell Bodenheim
Orrick Johns
- Edward Sapir
- Albert Edmund Trombly
- Thomas Moult
- Du Bose Heyward
- Leonora Speyer
- Margaret McKenny
- Katherine Wisner McCluskey
- David Morton
- Edward Merrill Root
- Raymond Holden
- Hilda Conkling
- Harriet Monroe
- Richard Aldington
- Babette Deutsch
- Alfred Kreymborg
- Maxwell Bodenheim
- Orrick Johns