January 1938
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Russell Beckwith
- Elliott Coleman
- Peter De Vries
- Richard Eberhart
- Milton Hindus
Table of Contents
Four Poems
D. S. Savage
Marie Luhrs
Two Poems
Ray Pierce
Russell Beckwith
Three Poems
Janet Loxley Lewis
David Schubert
Elliott Coleman
Four Poems
Milton Hindus
Two Poems
Alan Swallow
Peter De Vries
Delmore Schwartz
David Sachs
Review and Pre-View: North by East
William Troy
Eda Lou Walton
Harold Rosenberg
Stanley Kunitz
Robert Fitzgerald
William Fitzgerald
Marion Strobel
Winfield Townley Scott
Philip Blair Rice
- D. S. Savage
- Marie Luhrs
- Ray Pierce
- Russell Beckwith
- Janet Loxley Lewis
- David Schubert
- Elliott Coleman
- Richard Eberhart
- Milton Hindus
- Alan Swallow
- Peter De Vries
- Delmore Schwartz
- David Sachs
- Marshall Schacht
- William Troy
- Eda Lou Walton
- Harold Rosenberg
- Stanley Kunitz
- Robert Fitzgerald
- William Fitzgerald
- Marion Strobel
- Winfield Townley Scott
- Philip Blair Rice